99Inbound Docs

For each form you can provide a URL for 99Inbound to hit whenever you receive a new submission. Webhooks support the HTTP verbs POST, PUT, and PATCH.

Your webhook endpoint should respond with JSON content and a 200 status code.

Because webhooks happen after form submissions have synced to third party apps, they can also provide resource identifiers from third party apps, such as the lead id from a CRM.

Configuring a Webhook

On the Configure page of your form, scroll to the Notifications section and click create next to the Webhooks heading. You’ll be prompted to enter your Webhook URL and select the HTTP Method the webhook should use.

Once you save these details you will be given the option to test your webhook using the form’s most recent submission.

If your test is successful you should be presented with a valid response code (eg 200), and the server response.

Form webhook test